Helpful Links

Rainbow Bridge
Anyone who has ever lost a pet should visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members

National Animal Poison Control Center
This is the website of the National Animal Poison Control Center. It includes a library, links to other sites, and phone numbers for the poison control center.

Prescription Drug Takeback
Once medications leave our premises, federal law states that they cannot be brought back or returned for any reason. Therefore, all unused medications need to be disposed of properly at a Prescription Drug Collection Site. Please see the link above for locations in this area.

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
The USDA maintains this website with information on a variety of animal health related topics, including the latest news on such things as Mad Cow Diseases, foot and mouth disease, and many other things.

Canine Influenza
Find out more about the symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment of canine influenza, otherwise known as “Dog Flu”

Heartworm Society
Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here!

West Nile Virus
This site is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and has the latest information on the spread of West Nile Virus in the US, as well as information on disease transmission, symptoms, etc.