Pet Therapy

Therapy at Gentle Vet Animal Hospital

Our veterinary team believes that traditional medicine and scientifically-founded alternative options complement each other to help us provide the best and most comprehensive treatment for your pet. The treatment goals for our therapy sessions in pets is often focused on maintaining overall quality of life for as long as possible.

Therapeutic Laser

If your pet experiences a soft tissue injury, chronic pain, or a wound that needs some more help healing, our doctors may add Laser Therapy to your pet’s treatment plan. Therapeutic laser is the application of light energy to areas of the body to stimulate and accelerate healing.

Therapeutic laser reduces pain by decreasing inflammation, as well as by decreasing tissue chemicals that stimulate pain and by affecting nerve conduction. The therapeutic laser also enhances healing by increasing microcirculation (blood flow through the smaller blood vessels of the body), stimulating cellular activity, and increasing growth factors. Therapeutic laser treatments help with arthritis, wounds, pain management, healing, and neurologic conditions.

Stem Cell Therapy

The stem cells are extracted, purified, and concentrated, then injected directly into regions of the body needing treatment. Once collected and processed, cells may also be grown in the lab to expand their numbers and stored for use at a future time.