Pet Diagnostics


A quicker diagnosis results in quicker treatment. We offer the latest technology as a means of providing your pet with the highest level of quality veterinary care.

Digital Radiology

Radiology (x-rays) is routinely used to provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart, and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). It can be used alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic tools to provide a list of possible causes for a pet’s condition, identify the exact cause of a problem or rule out possible problems.

Abdominal Ultrasound

Ultrasonography is a type of diagnostic technique that uses ultrasound waves to produce an imaging study. This means that when we perform ultrasonography, we can see internal images of the patient’s body. Unlike some other imaging studies, like x-rays, ultrasonography does not use radiation. Instead, ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to create a picture of what is inside your pet’s body. Ultrasonography is a completely non-invasive, painless way to diagnose and evaluate many common diseases.

In-House Blood And Urine Diagnostics

Blood work is usually a combination of a complete blood count (CBC) and a blood chemical analysis. Blood work is a basic evaluation tool. Pets, particularly those in their senior years, should have a CBC at every annual examination. Blood work allows a veterinarian to monitor the progression of a pet’s disease.

A urinalysis test checks for levels of specific chemicals in your pet’s urine. Abnormal levels of certain chemicals can be a sign of particular illnesses. The urinalysis screens for imbalances that can be an indication of kidney disease, kidney infections, bacterial infections, urinary tract disease, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, urinary bladder disease, auto-immune disease, Cushing’s disease, prostate disease, and hepatitis and liver conditions.

Blood Pressure

We provide on-site electrocardiograms and blood pressure readings. All pets undergoing a general anesthetic are attached to a cardiac monitor or a pulse oximeter and have their blood pressure taken consistently to ensure an optimal anesthetic status.


If your pet has a skin or ear infection or has masses. our doctors will offer to perform cytology to better evaluate what is occurring. Cytology consists of collecting samples of cells in the area of interest and examining them under the microscope to identify bacteria, fungus, mites or evaluate the type of cells a tissue or mass is comprised of.

Secondary evaluation by a board-certified pathologist may be recommended by your pet’s doctor to confirm the results of the cytology.


Skin biopsies are an important diagnostic tool for dermatologists and are recommended in a variety of situations. A skin biopsy may be performed to simply remove a skin lesion such as a mass, to collect a tissue sample for deep tissue culture, or they may be required to make an accurate diagnosis when there are changes to the skin, hair, or nails.

Allergy Testing

Just as humans can develop allergic reactions to environmental elements, so too can our pets. While we cannot cure your pet’s allergy, there are ways to effectively manage and relieve allergy symptoms. Pet allergies are a common problem, but symptoms associated with animal allergies can also be an indication of more serious pet health conditions.

When necessary, our veterinary staff will perform blood work and other tests to determine the cause of your pet’s discomfort.

Tick Disease Testing

Ticks can trigger dermatitis, compelling your pet to scratch at the skin hard enough to cause injuries that promote bacterial infection. They can expose your pet to Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Ehrlichia and Lyme disease. Even the anemia produced by blood loss can be fatal to sick, elderly, or baby animals.