Pet General Medicine

General Medicine

As a general practitioner, we can diagnose and treat a variety of health problems. Our approach to diagnostic and therapeutic services is meant to allow you and your pet increased comfort while maintaining confidence that you are in capable hands.

Skin Conditions

Fungus, bacteria, allergies, and parasites all wreak havoc on your pet’s skin, causing unbearable itching and discomfort. Therefore, The Gentle Vet Animal Hospital provides dermatology treatment for some of the most common pet allergies and troublesome skin conditions.

Bone Joint And Muscle Conditions

Orthopedics involve conditions that affect your pet’s skeletal system and extremities, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Orthopedic injuries can affect the mood and quality of life of your pet. You may notice a slight limp, avoidance of physical activities like jumping, hesitation to get up, or other signs that your pet is experiencing discomfort. Thankfully, there are a number of treatments available that can reduce orthopedic pain for your pet, and The Gentle Vet Animal Hospital is committed to finding a treatment plan that will work best.

Neurological Conditions

We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system in cats and dogs. Whether it’s gait abnormality, seizures, vision problem, back or neck pain, balance issue or any other neurological problem, we’ll be there to find the underlying cause and to get your pet back to feeling their best.

Intestinal Disorders

Digestive problems are common in dogs and cats and can be challenging to diagnose. These tests narrow down the causes and make effective treatment possible. Digestive problems are among the most commonly seen problems in dogs and cats. Symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss have many causes, and getting to the root of the issue can be difficult without the right diagnostics.

Kidney Disorders

A large number of older dogs and cats develop kidney disease or failure. With correct diagnostic testing, the problem can be caught early enough for more successful treatment. Kidney disease and failure is one of the most common disorders we see in dogs and cats. It’s extremely prevalent as animals age, especially in those eight years of age and up. While it can be fatal, kidney disease can usually be treated and even cured if caught early.

Liver Disorders

It’s the largest organ in the body and one of its hardest-working. So when we hear a diagnosis of liver disease, it’s a serious matter. Liver disease is the catch-all term applied to any medical disorder affecting the liver and usually causing elevated blood levels of liver enzymes. It can be divided into both acute (more common) and chronic liver disease (see sidebar). Clinical signs include lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, increased urination, lethargy, jaundice, and in severe cases, seizures. Usually, veterinarians will diagnose liver disease based on blood and urine tests, abdominal radiographs (X-rays,) and abdominal ultrasound. However, a liver biopsy is needed to determine the cause of liver disease..

Eye Disorders

Just like people, animals can also suffer from eye complications that affect their day to day life. These conditions can include cataracts, glaucoma, uveitis, tumors of the eye, eyelid defects, dry eye, retinal degeneration, and corneal ulcers. Our veterinary staff here at The Gentle Vet Animal Hospital can provide pets with nearly all of the medical and surgical eye care that is available for humans, while making sure they are comfortable and treated with the utmost care and compassion.

Endocrine Disorders

Like in the human body, the bodies of dogs and cats are made up of a number of complex systems. Sometimes these systems become damaged or simply fail to operate as they should. When one of the body’s systems begins to malfunction, disease or other health problems result. Unfortunately, symptoms may not appear until considerable damage has occurred in the pet’s body.


At The Gentle Vet Animal Hospital, we make every effort to go above and beyond for each and every patient and client. We believe that integrative medicine — the practice of complementing conventional medicine with alternative therapies like integrative or alternative cancer care — improves our ability to meet our clients’ and patients’ individual needs, and yields better therapeutic outcome. Cancer is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of disease processes, originating from different areas of the body. Unfortunately, just like in human medicine, cancer rates in our domestic pet population is quite high- 25% of all dogs, and greater than 50% of dogs over 10 years of age will get cancer of some form.